- Cappelletti, M, Waley-Cohen, H, Butterworth, B,
& Kopelman, M (2000)
- A selective loss of the ability to read and write music.
- Neurocase, 6, 321-332.
- Benke, T, Hohenstein C, Poewe W, & Butterworth, B (2000)
- Repetitive speech phenomena in Parkinson's disease.
- Journal of Neurology, Neurosurgery
& Psychiatry, 69: (3) 319-325.
- Lochy A, Seron X, Delazer M, & Butterworth, B. (2000)
- The odd-even effect in multiplication :
Parity rule or familiarity with even numbers?
- Memory & Cognition, 28: (3) 358-365.
- Girelli L, Lucangeli D, & Butterworth, B. (2000)
- The development of automaticity in
accessing number magnitude,
- Journal of Experimental Child Psychology,
June: 76: (2) 104-122.
- Butterworth, B. (2001)
- What makes a prodigy? (PDF)
- Nature Neuroscience, 4 (1), 11-12
- Butterworth, B. (2001)
- Compass: Statistics : What seems natural?
- Science, 292, 853-854.
- Butterworth, B., Cappelletti, M., & Kopelman, M. (2001)
- Category specificity of reading and writing:
- the case of number words. (PDF)
- Nature Neuroscience, 4, 784-786.
- Benke, T. & Butterworth, B. (2001)
- Pallilalia and repetitive speech :
- two case studies.
- Brain & Language, 78, 62-81.
- Cappelletti, M., Butterworth, B., & Kopelman, M. (2001)
- Spared numerical abilities in a case of semantic dementia.
- Neuropsychologia, 39, 1224-1239.
- Butterworth, B., Zorzi, M., Girelli, L., & Jonckheere, A.R. (2001)
- Storage and retrieval of addition facts:
- The role of number comparison. (PDF)
- Quarterly Journal of Experimental
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- Piazza, M., Mechelli, A., Butterworth, B., & Price, C. J. (2002)
- Are subitizing and counting implemented as separate
functionally overlapping processes? (PDF)
- NeuroImage, 15:(2), 435-446.
- Cappelletti, M., Kopelman, M., & Butterworth, B. (2002)
- Why semantic dementia drives you the dogs
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the horses): A theoretical account. (PDF)
- Cognitive Neuropsychology: 19: 483-503.
- Butterworth, B. (2002)
- Dyscalculia.
- Interplay: Summer: 44-47.
- Shibahara, N, Zorzi, M., Hill, M. P., Wydell, T. & Butterworth, B. (2003)
- Semantic Effects in Word Naming:
Evidence from English and Japanese Kanji. (PDF)
- Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology: 56A (2): 263 - 286.
- Bevan, A., Robinson, G., Butterworth, B., & Cipolotti, L. (2003)
- To play 'B' but not to say 'B' :
- Selective loss of letter names.
- Neurocase: 9: 118-128.
- Landerl, K., Bevan, A., & Butterworth, B. (2004)
- Developmental Dyscalculia and Basic Numerical Capacities :
- A Study of 8-9 Year Old Students. (PDF)
- Cognition: 93: 99-12.
- Butterworth, B. (2005)
- The development of arithmetical abilities (PDF)
- Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry: 46 (1): 3-18.
- Gelman, R. & Butterworth, B. (2005)
- Number and language : how are they related? (PDF)
- Trends in Cognitive Science: 9 (1): 6-10.
- Cappelletti, M., Kopelman, M.D., Morton, J., & Butterworth,
B. (2005)
- Disassociations in numerical abilities revealed
by progressive
cognitive decline in a patient with semantic dementia.
- Cognitive
Neuropsychology: 22 (7): 771-793
- Critchley, H.D., Tang, J., Glaser, D.E., Butterworth, B, &
Dolan, R.J. (2005)
- Anterior cingulate activity during error and autonomic response.
- Neuroimage: 27 (4):
- Rusconi, E., Walsh, V. & Butterworth, B. (2005)
- Dexterity with Numbers:
- rTMS Over Left Angular Gyrus Disrupts Finder Gnosis
and Number Processing.
- Neuropsychologia: 43
(11): 1609-1624
- Marinella Cappelletti, Brian Butterworth & Michael Kopelman (2006)
- The Understanding of Quantifiers in Semantic Dementia:
A Single-Case Study. (PDF)
- Neurocase 12: 136-145.
- Elena Rusconi, Bonnie Kwan, Bruno L. Giordano,
Carlo Umiltà
& B. Butterworth (2006)
- Spatial representation of pitch height:
the SMARC effect. (PDF)
- Cognition 99: 113-119.
- Fulvia Castelli, Daniel E. Glaser & Brian Butterworth (2006)
- Discrete and analogue quantity processing in the
parietal lobe: A functional MRI study. (PDF)
- Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the USA:
Vol. 103 Number 12: 4693-4698.
- Paterson, S.J., Girelli, L., Butterworth, B., & Karmiloff-Smith, A. (2006)
- Are numerical impairments syndrome specific?
- Evidence from Williams Syndrome and Down's
Syndrome. (PDF)
- Journal of Child Psychology & Psychiatry 47: 2: 190-204.
- J. Tang, H. D. Critchley, D. E. Glaser, R. J. Dolan,
& B. Butterworth (2006)
- Imaging Informational Conflict: A Functional Magnetic
Resonance Imaging Study of Numerical Stroop. (PDF)
- Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience 18: 12: 2049-2062.
- Noam Sagiv, Julia Simner, James Collins, Brian Butterworth
& Jamie Ward
- What is the relationship between synaesthesia and
visuo-spatial number forms? (PDF)
- Cognition 101: 114-128.
- Manuela Piazza, Andrea Mechelli, Cathy J. Price
- & Brian
Butterworth (2006)
- Exact and approximate judgements of visual
and auditory numerosity: an fMRI study. (PDF)
- Brain Research 1106: 177-188.
- Koh, P. H., Glaser, D. E., Flandin, G., Butterworth, B.,
Maki, A.,
Delpy, D., et al. (2007).
- Functional Optical Signal Analysis (fOSA):
A Software Tool
for NIRS Data Processing Incorporating Statistical Parametric Mapping (SPM).
- Journal of Biomedical Optics 12(6),
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- Butterworth, B. (2007).
- Why frequencies are natural. (PDF)
- Behavioral and Brain Sciences. 303: 259.
- Cappelletti, M., Jansari, A., Kopelman, M., & Butterworth, B. (2008).
- A case of selective impairment of encyclopaedic numerical
knowledge or "when December 25th is no longer
Christmas day, but '20 + 5' is still 25". (PDF)
- Cortex, 44 (3), 325 - 336.
- Tang, J., Ward, J., & Butterworth, B. (2008).
- Number forms in the brain. (PDF)
- Journal of Cognitive
Neuroscience, 20: 9 1547 - 1556.
- Butterworth, B. (2008).
- Numerosity Perception: How Many Speckles on the Hen? (PDF)
- Current Biology, 18 (9),
R388 - R389.
- Butterworth, B., & Reeve, R. (2008).
- Verbal Counting and Spatial Strategies in Numerical
Evidence from Indigenous Australia. (PDF)
- Philosophical Psychology, 21, 443 - 457.
- Butterworth, B., Reeve, R., Reynolds, F., & Lloyd, D. (2008).
- Numerical thought with and without words:
Evidence from indigenous Australian children.
(Supporting Information)
- Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the USA,
- 105: 35, 13179 - 13184.
- Iuculano, T., Tang, J., Hall, C., & Butterworth, B. (2008).
- Core information processing deficits in developmental
dyscalculia and low numeracy.
- Developmental Science, 11: 5, 669-680.
- Vetter, P., Butterworth, B., & Bahrami, B. (2008).
- Modulating Attentional Load Affects
Numerosity Estimation:
Evidence against a Pre-Attentive Subitizing Mechanism. (PDF)
- PLoSOne, Volume 3: 9 (e 3269), 1 - 6.
- Ward, J., Sagiv, N., & Butterworth, B. (2009).
- The impact of visuo-spatial number forms on simple arithmetic. (PDF)
- Cortex, 45 (10), 1261 - 1265.
- Rusconi, E., Bueti, D., Walsh, V., & Butterworth, B. (2009)
- Contribution of frontal cortex to the spatial
representation of
number (PDF)
- Cortex XXX Research Report: Pages 1261 - 1265
- Bahrami, B., Vetter, P., Spolaore, E., Pagano, S.,
& Rees, G. (2010)
- Unconscious numerical priming despite interocular suppression. (PDF) (Supplementary Material)
- Psychological Science
2010: 21 224 - 233.
- Agrillo, C., Ranpura, A., & Butterworth, B. (2010)
- Time and numerosity stimation are independent:
Behavioral evidence for two different systems
using a conflict paradigm. (PDF)
- Cognitive Neuroscience 2010 iFirst: 1 - 6.
- Vetter, P., Bahrami, B., & Butterworth, B. (2010)
- A Candidate for the Attentional Bottleneck:
Set-size Specific Modulation of Right TPJ
during Attentive Enumeration. (PDF)
- Journal of Cognitive
Neuroscience. 2010. X: Y: Pages 1 - 9.
- Ischebeck, A., Koschutnig, K., Reishofer, G., Butterworth, B.,
C., &
Ebner, F. (2010)
- Processing fractions and proportions: An fMRI study.
- International Journal of
Psychophysiology, 77 (3), 227-227.
- Butterworth, B. &
Laurillard, D. (2010)
- Low numeracy and dyscalculia: identification and intervention.
- ZDM Mathematics Education,
42 (527 - 539).
- Butterworth, B. (2010)
- Foundational numerical capacities and
the origins of dyscalculia.
- Trends in Cognitive
Sciences Special Issue:
- Space, Time and Number" XX (2010) 1 - 8.
- Iuculano, T., Raffaella Moro, M., & Butterworth, B. (2011)
- Updating Working Memory and arithmetical
attainment in school.
- Learning and Individual
Differences. 21: 655 - 661.
- Butterworth, B., Varma, S. & Laurillard, D. (2011)
- Dyscalculia: From Brain to Education. (PDF)
- Science Magazine. Vol 332: 6033: 1049 - 1053.
- Butterworth, B. & Laurillard, D. (2011)
- Low numeracy and dyscalculia: identification
and intervention. (PDF)
- ZDM Mathematics Education.
Volume 42:
Number 6: Pages 527- 539.
- Cohen Kadosh, R., Bahrami, B., Walsh, V., Butterworth, B.,
Popescu, T. & Price, C.J. (2011)
- Specialization in the human brain: the case of numbers. (PDF)
- Frontiers in Human
Neuroscience. Volume 5:
Article 62 Pages 1 - 9.
- Butterworth, B. & Walsh, V. (2011)
- Neural basis of mathematical cognition. (PDF)
- Current Biology. Vol 21: Issue 16: Pages: R618-R621.
- Karolis, V., Iuculano, T & Butterworth, B. (2011)
- Mapping Numerical Magnitudes Along the Right Lines: Differentiating Between Scale and Bias. (PDF)
- Journal of Experimental
Psychology: General.
Volume 140: 4: Pages 693 - 706.
- Iuculano, T & Butterworth, B. (2011)
- Understanding the real value of fractions and decimals. (PDF)
- The Quarterly Journal of
Experimental Psychology.
Volume 64: Issue 11: Pages 2088 - 2098.
- Cappelletti, M., Freeman, E.D. & Butterworth, B. (2011)
- Time processing in dyscalculia. (PDF)
- Frontiers in Psychology. Volume 2: Article 364: Pages 1- 10.
- Tillmann, B., Rusconi, E., Butterworth, B., Traube, C., Peretz, I.
& Umiltà, C. (2011)
- TFine-grained pitch processing of music and speech
in congenital amusia.
- Journal of the Acoustical
Society of America.
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- Zhou, X., Lu, J., Zhao, H., Booth, J.R., Butterworth, B.,
Chen, C., & Dong, Q. (2011)
- Age-Independent and Age-Dependent Neural Substrate for
Single-Digit Multiplication and
Addition Arithmetic Problems. (PDF)
- Developmental Neuropsychology. 36 (3): Pages 338 - 352.
- Butterworth, B., Reeve, R., & Reynolds, F. (2011).
- Using mental representations of space when words
are unavailable. Studies of enumeration and
arithmetic in indigenous Australia.
- Journal of Cross-Cultural Psychology. 42 (4): Pages 630 - 688.
- Reigosa-Crespo, V., Valdés-Sosa, M., Butterworth, B., Estévez,
Rodriguez, M., Santos, E., Torres, P., Suárez, R., & Lage, A. (2012)
- Basic Numerical Capacities and Prevalence of
Developmental Dyscalculia: The Havana Survey. (PDF)
- Developmental Psychology.
Volume 48 (1): Pages 123-135.
- Cappelletti, M., Butterworth, B., . & Kopelman, M. (2012)
- Numeracy Skills in Patients With Degenerative Disorders and Focal Brain Lesions: A Neuropsychological Investigation. (PDF)
- Neuropsychology. Volume 26 (1): Pages 1 - 19.
- Agrillo, C., Piffer, L., Bisazza, A., & Butterworth, B. (2012)
- Evidence for Two Numerical Systems That Are Similar in
Humans and Guppies. (PDF)
- PLoS One. 7 (2): e31923: Pages 1 - 8.
- Reeve, R., Reynolds, F., Humberstone J. & Butterworth, B. (2012)
- Stability and Change in Markers of Core
Numerical Competencies. (PDF)
- Journal of Experimental
Psychology: General:
(4): Pages 649 - 666.
- Butterworth, B. (2012)
- Commentary on "How Can Syntax Support Number Word Acquisition?" by
Kristen Syrett, Julien Musolino
& Rochel Gelman. (PDF)
- Language, Learning and Development. 8 (2): Pages 186 - 189.
- Cheng, G.L.F., Tang, J., Walsh, V., Butterworth, B. & Cappelletti, M. (2013)
- Differential effects of left parietal theta-burst stimulation
on order and quantity processing. (PDF)
- Brain Stimulation. 6 (2): Pages 160 - 165.
- Bahrami, B., Didino, D., Frith, C., Butterworth, B. & Rees, G. (2013)
- Collective enumeration. (PDF)
- Journal of Experimental
Psychology: Human Perception
and Performance. Volume 39 (2): Pages 338 - 347.
- Butterworth, B. & Kovas, Y. (2013)
- Understanding Neurocognitive Developmental Disorders
Can Improve
Education for All. (PDF)
- Science. Volume 340: Number 6130: Pages 300 - 305.
- Ranpura, A., Isaacs, E., Edmonds, C., Rogers, M., Lanigan, J.,
Singhal, A., Clayden, J., Clark, C. & Butterworth, B. (2013)
- Developmental trajectories of grey and white
matterin dyscalculia. (PDF)
- Trends in Neuroscience and
2 (2): Pages 56 - 64.
- Tibber, M.S., Manasseh, G.S., Clarke, R.C., Gagin, G., Swanbeck,
Butterworth, B., Lotto, R.B. & Dakin. S.C. (2013)
- Sensitivity to numerosity is not a unique
psychophysical predictor of mathematical ability. (PDF)
- Vision Research. Volume 89: Pages 1 - 9.
- Gilaie-Dotan, S., Rees, G., Butterworth, B., & Cappelletti ,
M. (2014)
- Impaired Numerical Ability Affects
Supra-Second Time Estimation. (PDF).
- Timing & Time Perception Vol 2: 2: Pages 169 - 187.
- Bisazza, A., Butterworth,, B., Piffer, L., Bahrami, B.,
Petrazzini, M.E.P. & Agrillo, C. (2014)
- Collective enhancement of numerical acuity by
leadership in fish. (PDF).
- Nature: Scientific Reports 4: 4560, Pages 1 - 5.
- Cappelletti, M., Chamberlain, R., Freeman, E.D., Kanai, R.,
Butterworth, B., Price, C.J. & Rees, G. (2014)
- Commonalities for Numerical and Continuous Quantity
Skills at
Temporo-parietal Junction (PDF).
- Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience 26: 5, Pages 986 - 999.
- Semenza, C., Meneghello, F., Arcara, G., Burgio, F., Gnoato, F.,
Facchini, S.,
Benavides-Varela, S., Clementi, M. & Butterworth, B. (2014)
- A new clinical tool for assessing numerical abilities in neurological diseases: numerical activities of daily living.
- Frontiers in Aging Neuroscience Vol 6: Article 112, Pages 1 - 8.
- Reeve, R.A., Paul, J.M. & Butterworth, B. (2015)
- Longitudinal changes in young children's 0-100 to 0-1000
number-line error signatures.
- Frontiers in Psychology: Developmental Psychology:
- Vol 6: Article 647 Pages 1 - 9.
- Benavides-Varela, S., Burgio, F., Meneghello, F., De Marco, M.,
Arcara, G., Rigon, J., Pilosio, C., Butterworth, B., Venneri, A. &
Semenza, C. (2015).
- Anatomical substrates and neurocognitive predictors of daily
numerical abilities in mild cognitive impairment.
- Cortex: 71: Pages 58 - 67.
- Butterworth, B. (2015)).
- A Visit with Oscar and Clara Marin.
- Cognitive and Behavioral Neurology:
- 28 (3): Pages 138 -139
58 - 67.
- Agrillo, C., Piffer, L., Bisazza, A., &
Butterworth, B. (2015)
- Ratio dependence in small number discrimination is
affected by the experimental procedure.
- Frontiers in Psychology: 6, 1649: Pages 1 - 13
- Robinson, G. A., Butterworth, B., & Cipolotti, L. (2015).
- "My Mind Is Doing It All": No "Brake" to Stop Speech
Generation in Jargon Aphasia.
- Cognitive and Behavioral Neurology:
- 28 (4): Pages 229 - 241
- Benavides-Varela, S., Passarini, L., Butterworth, B., Rolma, G.,
Burgio, F., Pitteri, M., Meneghello, F., Shallice, T. &
Semenza, C. (2016).
- Zero in the brain: a voxel-based lesion-symptom mapping
study in right hemisphere damaged patients.
- Cortex: 77 (2016): Pages 38 - 53
- Benavides-Varela, S., Butterworth, B., Burgio, F., Arcara, G.,
Lucangeli, D., & Semenza, C. (2016).
- Numerical Activities and Information Learned at Home Link
the Exact Numeracy Skills in 5 - 6 Years-Old Children.
- Frontiers in Psychology: 7 (94): Pages 1 -11
- Howard-Jones, P.A., Ansari, D., De Smedt, B., Laurillard, D.,
Varma, S., Butterworth B., Goswami, U. & Thomas. M.S.C. (2016).
- The Principles and Practices of Educational Neuroscience:
Comment on
- Psychological Review. Vol. 123, No. 5. Pages 620 - 627
- Benavides-Varela, S., Butterworth, B., Burgio, F., Arcara, G.,
Lucangeli, D., & Semenza, C. (2016).
- Numerical Activities and Information Learned at Home
Link to the Exact
Numeracy Skills in 5 - 6 Years-Old Children.
- Frontiers in Psychology. 7 (94) Pages 1 - 11.
- Miao-Hsuan, Y., Cheng-Ching, H., Pei-Chi, Y., Tsung-Han, H.,
Didino, D., Butterworth, B. & Nai-Shing, Y. . (2017).
- The Influence of Memory Updating and Number Sense on Junior High School
Math Attainment.
- Learning and Individual
Differences: 54 (2017) 30 - 40.
- Butterworth, B. (2018).
- The Implications for Education of an Innate Numerosity-processing Mechanism.
- Philosophical Transactions of the
Royal Society B: Volume 273,
- Issue 1740. Issue 1740.
- Butterworth, B., Gallistel, C.R. &
Vallortigara, G.(2018).
- Discussion Meeting Issue: 'The Origins of Numerical Abilities'.
- Philosophical Transactions of the
Royal Society B: Volume 273,
- Issue 1740.
- Butterworth, B., Gallistel, C.R. &
Vallortigara, G.(2018).
- Introduction: The origins of numerical abilities.
- Philosophical Transactions of the
Royal Society B: Volume 273,
- Issue 1740.
Reeve, R.A., Reynolds, F., Paul, J. & Butterworth, B. (2018)
- Culture-Independent Prerequisites for Early Arithmetic. (PDF)
- Psychological Science: Research
Article. :Volume 29, Issue 9
- Pages 1383 - 1392.
Sheardown, E., Torres-Perez, J. V., Anagianni, S., Fraser, S. E.,
Vallortigara, G.,
Butterworth, B., Miletto-Petrazzini, M.E. & Brennan, C. H. (2022).
- Characterizing ontogeny of quantity discrimination
in zebrafish. (PDF)
- Proceedings of the Royal Society
B: Biological Sciences,
- Vol. 289 (1968), 20212544.